Jaw joint therapy

Non-surgical Treatment of Functional Disorders of the Temporomandibular Joint

What is TMJ therapy?

Professional expertise, understanding and care are particularly important when it comes to treating functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint. Such complaints, which often include bruxism (teeth grinding), can not only cause unpleasant symptoms such as jaw pain or headaches, but can also impair everyday well-being.

The diagnosis of functional disorders in the area of the teeth, chewing muscles and jaw joints begins with a careful medical history. There are often several factors that cause such disorders. In order to make an accurate diagnosis and rule out other diseases, we also take into account general medical findings and carry out comprehensive examinations. This holistic approach enables us to develop the best treatment strategy for each of our patients.

Customized bite splints contribute to relaxation and relief in the jaw joint

First of all, we rely on gentle, non-surgical methods. With customized bite splints, which are individually made with the highest precision in our in-house laboratory, we can alleviate the pressure on your temporomandibular joint and thus reduce teeth grinding, for example. These do not shift the teeth, but promote an improved position of the temporomandibular joint. This helps to relax the muscles and relieve pressure on the temporomandibular joint.

The bite splints, made of plastic, are designed for long-term use and should be worn day and night, except when eating and brushing teeth. Initially, speech difficulties may occur, but these usually subside quickly. Regular check-ups take place to ensure that the splint is working optimally and to identify any problems. Most patients notice an improvement within a month, but at the latest after six months. It is important to wear the splint consistently, as this is the only way to achieve the desired effect.

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